scrumboo keeps it simple

No bells and whistles, 100% dedicated to scrum!

"Get organized!"

Products, Releases & Sprints

Scrumboo follows a simple 3-level organization structure. It's based on the assumption that products will have multiple releases and that releases will have multiple sprints. Each level has its own dashboard which provides a quick overview on what's going on.

"Groom it!"

Backlog Management

Backlog items can be prioritized by simply dragging and dropping them within the backlog. The backlog will automatically calculate the total number of story points to support you in your release and sprint planning. The release and planning board allows you to distribute items into releases and sprints.

"As a user I want to ..."

User stories, Epics & Bugs

Backlog items can be defined as "user stories", "epics" or "bugs". We support prioritization based on MOSCOW and story point estimation based on the Fibonacci sequence. You can also define your own free tags to group or classify items.

"Just drag and drop!"

Virtual Scrumboard

This is where the work gets done. All tasks which are required to complete an item are displayed on the virtual scrumboard. Team members can take over tasks by just dragging and dropping them from one status into another. Collaboration in real-time.

"What's happening?"

Activity feed

Always stay up to date with our personal activity feeds. You decide which changes and updates are important for you. Subscribe via any RSS reader or receive product, release or sprint updates straight into your inbox.

"Making progress!"

Reporting & Statistics

Measure velocity of you team for each sprint or get burndown charts for tasks or storypoints. Reports are available at product level, release level and sprint level. Keeping track of your project progress was never that easy.

Take a test drive!

Get your free scrumboo account and join our open beta phase today.